Thursday, April 3, 2014

For translators, the missing leg.

I briefly wrote about some of the goodies for the translators and the dismantler thingy has been a debt to pay, while I'm not going to formally cancel the debt I do plan to show and explain what is it today :)

This is a rather primitive but illustrative view of what the dismantler is about

We can easily have an html view of any of the dialogs along with the text extracted, what for? copy the text straight from the page.
I find it rather primitive that in many cases what a translator gets is a raw and crude text file filled with strings, one typical problem is that they lack 'context' information and it is easy to make mistakes and transliterate instead of translate.
However getting a zip file that they open in the browser with the flow of the application (as shown in previous posts) they can then click on the desired dialog and get this view, even more interesting could be that they can edit the text directly in the html page to send then the translated text.
Many things can be done along those lines, this is just a teaser of what else is possible and how Murphy goes along the whole flow of application development and testing.

Now for the sad news... I've been quite busy lately writing new code that it is intended to start taking over with more production quality oriented things, more docs, unit tests and all the bells and whistles required for serious use, however my activity on murphy has dropped quite some points in my priority list due to many different reasons so updates wont come that often in the future, hope you understand this is something that is mostly done in my spare time and to fully realize it it needs quite serious invest of time, as there is life after murphy (and other interested experiments to do too) I appreciate your patience and comprehension.

One more! Tomorrow Ohio!
(March 31- April 4, Cleveland - Ohio,

Hope you drop by at the TAIC conference , if you happen to bring a beer for me give it to Pekka and specifically tell him that is for me or he'll drink it right away :)


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